The Meat Puppet - review

Director: Joe Valenti, Writers: Keith Collins (story), Billy Pepitone. Stars: Keith Collins, Geri Reischl, Brandon Ruckdashel. Released on October 2015.

The plot, serial killer with psychotic step mom find victims for their sadistic pleasures. 

This film is a bust, the acting is novice and the story just doesn't wok. They follow this serial killer as he haunts for women to capture and take to his dungeon or should I say basement with terrible lighting. The kill scenes are not explicit and are more comical than anything. For example, there is a flashback scene when he is a kid and attacks his father, he bites the fathers ears off while the step mom is on the floor watching and you can see the actress trying not to laugh. Another thing I did not enjoy was the way the sound would be low and suddenly get very loud from scene to scene. Apparently, this serial killer and his step mom have a sexual relationship which is weird. The scenes take way to long to develop and at times certain things seem to go on far longer than they should. For example, a scene from the restaurant where he takes one of his victims, there is a group playing a song and it takes to much focus on the performance. In my opinion it was unnecessary. There is a funny moment on one of the kill scenes where he is suppose to be stabbing a victim and the camera pans to a painting or should I say drawing, it is literally stick figures and red dots on white paper, I died laughing, very comical. I hope they did not mean it to be a serious thing because it just looks ridiculous.  

Conclusion, I would not recommend this film, unless you need a good laugh and can tolerate horrible acting and silly kill scenes.

Ranks (2/10)


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